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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Check the site of directorate of education and download the important circulars regarding fee hike marked in RED.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Delhi Schools are looting all the parents. We must oppose the move of fee hike and not succumb under any pressure. The Schools cannot take us on ransom

What Delhi Education Act Says??

School Fee under Rule 172 to 180
1. No fee, contribution or other charge shall be collected from any student by the trust or society running any recognized school; whether aided or not.
2. Every fee, contribution or other charge collected from any student by a recognized school, whether aided or not, shall be collected in its own name and a proper receipt shall be granted by the school for every collection made by it. [Rule 172]
3. Income derived from collections for specific purposes shall be spent only for such purpose. [Rule 176]
4. Income derived by an unaided recognized school by way of fees shall be utilized, in the first instance, for meeting the pay, allowances and other benefits admissible to the employees of the school:
Provided that savings, if any, from the fees may be utilized for meeting capital or contingent expenditure of the school, or for one or more of the following educational purposes, namely:-
a) award of scholarship to students;
b) establishment of any other recognized school; or
c) assisting any other school or educational institution, not being a college, under the management of the same society or trust by which the first mentioned school is run.
5. Funds collected for specific purposes like sports, co-curricular activities, subscriptions for excursions or subscriptions for magazines and annual charges, shall be spent solely for the exclusive benefit of the students of the concerned school and shall not be included in the savings referred above. [Rule 177]
6. No registration fee of more than twenty five rupees per student prior to admission shall be charged
7. No security/deposit/caution money be taken from the students at the time of admission and if at all it is considered necessary, it should be taken once and not more than Rs. 500/- per student in any case.
8. The caution money received by the school at the time of admission should be returned to the students at the time of leaving the school along with the bank interest. [Section 24(3)]
9. Admission Fee can be charged only at nominal rate but not exceeding Rs. 200/- in any case. Once a student is admitted in a school, he should not be asked to pay admission fee again at any stage. [Section 24(3)]
10. Regarding Computer Fee, it should be ensured that unless it is beneficial to the students in imparting Education based on computer, it should not be made compulsory.
11. All fee and funds can be collected by the school only in its own name against proper receipt.

12. No Annul charges shall be levied unless they are determined by the managing committee to be sufficient to cover all revenue expenditure, not included in the tuition fee and “overheads” and expenses on play-grounds, sports equipment, cultural and other co-curricular activities as distinct from the curricular activities of the school.
13. Earmarked levies shall be charged from the user students only. They will be calculated and collected on no profit no loss basis and spent only for the purpose for which they are being charged.
14. Fine for Late Payment of the fees or contributions due to a school shall be charged from the student at the rate of five paise per day, after the due date. [Rule 166]

Rule 151 regarding Development Fees
1. The managing committee may charge a development fee from the students in order to cover expenses incurred by it in effecting special improvements on which no aid is admissible under these rules.
2. Development fee shall be utilized for one or more of the following purposes namely;
a) appointment of additional or qualified teachers in excess of the number admissible under the rules relating to post fixation or aid;
b) provision for teaching of special subjects approved by the Director for which no aid is permissible under these rules;
c) purchase of any special teaching or audio visual aids and other equipments which are not possessed by the school;
d) provision of special amenities to students, such as additional fans, supply of cool drinking water, material for hobbies, craft and medical aid.
3. Utilisation of Development Fee:- Development Fee shall be utilized exclusively for the purpose for which it is levied and collected and shall, in no circumstances, whatsoever, be used for meeting the managing committee’s share of expenditure on the maintenance of the school. [Rule 153]

An Exhaustive Guide: Delhi School Education Act & Rules
By H.L Kumar
Courtesy: Summer Fields School, Kailash Colny